Command line arguments

Xancil can be given the following command line arguments:

-execute           : Create namelist and run ancillary executable
-x                 : As -execute
-execname execfile : Specify name of ancillary executable
                     (default /home/jeff/sunos_x86/bin/mkancil)
-xn execfile       : As -execname
-jobfile jobfile   : Load jobfile into xancil
-j jobfile         : As -jobfile
-namelist namelist : Create namelist file called namelist
                     (default xancil.namelist)
-nl                : As -namelist
-namelisttype      : Specify namelist type, either old or f90
                     (default f90)
-script script     : Use xancil to run script
-sc                : As -script
-usage             : Print this message