Examples of non-interactive Xancil usage

To read in a previously saved job file and create the UM ancillary files defined by it enter this command line

xancil -j example.job -x

As there are a lot of variables defined in a job file the best approach to scripting Xancil is to create an initial job file which has most of the setup you need and then only change the variables which are different in the script file. For example to create multiple ozone ancillary files from different NetCDF input files, assuming everything else needed has been setup using Xancil and saved to a job file called ozone.job, use this script


# Create xancil script file (Needs to be written in tcl)

cat << \EOF > ozone.tcl

# Load in initial job file

source "ozone.job"

set n 12

# Create n ozone ancillary files

set i 1

while {$i <= $n} {

   # Overwrite ozone input and output file names

   set ozone(file_in) ozone_$i.nc
   set ozone(file_out) ozone_$i

   # Create namelist file from Tcl variables

   create_namelist ozone.namelist

   # Run executable to create ozone ancillary file


   incr i

# Run xancil with the above script file

xancil -sc ozone.tcl