Claire Ryder : Example of Running ES96 Interactively - with AEROSOL, no Cloud : UoR, Dept Of Meteorology

Example of Running ES96 Interactively - with AEROSOL, no Cloud

Enter the name of the spectral file.

Enter the base-name of the netCDF files.

Enter the spectral region.
Use 1 for shortwave

Enter range of active bands.
We're running the 220 band version, so specify this
1 220

Weight the fluxes with a filter function? (y/n)
I believe this is for the purposes of satellite comparisons, so say no

Enter process flag.
Enter r for Rayleigh scattering, g for gaseous absorption, c for water vapour continuum, and a to include aerosol

Enter the treatment of gaseous overlaps.
Use 2 for random overlap

Enter cloud scheme.
Enter 5 for no cloud

Enter type of angular integration

Enter two-stream scheme.
I have used option 2 for Eddington's approximation in the past. Option 16, the 'recommended SW improved flux method' can also be used

Enter rescaling flag.
Here we're interested in diffuse as well as total flux, so we switch the rescaling flag OFF. (More about the rescaing flag)

Enter solver.
I have always used option 1 for a 'pentadiagonal solver for a homogeneous column'

Enter treatment of scattering.
I always use the full treatment of scattering, option 1

Example of Running ES96 Interactively - with AEROSOL AND CLOUD

An example of running SOCRATES interactively with simple liquid water cloud and aerosol

Enter the name of the spectral file.

Enter the base-name of the netCDF files.

Enter the spectral region.
Use 1 for shortwave

Enter range of active bands.
We're running the 6 band version, so specify this
1 6

Weight the fluxes with a filter function? (y/n)
I believe this is for the purposes of satellite comparisons, so say no

Enter process flag.
Enter r for Rayleigh scattering, g for gaseous absorption, c for water vapour continuum, and a to include aerosol. For cloud, include d for droplets (and/or presumably i for ice particles). If you exclude d here, you will get error ***Error Clouds are specified but no cloudy proceses are included.

Enter the treatment of gaseous overlaps.
Use 2 for random overlap

Overlay profiles of optical properties ? (y/n)

Enter cloud scheme.
Equivalent to -C option in Cl_run_cdf. Enter 2 for Maximum/random overlap in a mixed column.

Enter representation of clouds.
Equivalent to -K option in Cl_run_cdf. Enter 1 for Ice and water mixed homogeneously.

enter type of (stratiform) droplets
Type number must match what's available in spectral file. 5

Enter type of angular integration

Enter two-stream scheme.
Option 16, the 'recommended SW improved flux method' is used

Enter rescaling flag.
Here we're interested in total flux, so we switch the rescaling flag ON. (More about the rescaing flag)

Enter solver.
-v solver for 2-stream calculations - use 11 (recomended for coupled cloud overlap). This only works if clouds are included.

Enter treatment of scattering.
I always use the full treatment of scattering, option 1