Steve George's Stuff

Monta Rosa Rest

Present Location



Local journal search

Programming Techniques...

...alas poor Hughes I knew him well.

M$ filter scripts (email etc)
Useful IDL routines
Useful Python routines

Data Access

Information on my model runs
Miscellaneous Plots
General ECMWF System II data extraction information
Local ERA data info


COADS seasonal (DJFM) MSLP animated data (mpeg format)
COADS monthly number of SST observation,1875-1925 (FLI format - Warning:largefile)

System 2

ECMWF Sys2 Forecast/Analysis plot 1 (animated GIF)
ECMWF Sys2 Forecast/Analysis plot 2 (animated GIF)
Backgound plots


EGS 2003 Poster Poster Thumb (PDF)
RMS Conference, 2003 (slides) (PDF)
Title: Seasonal Predictability of North Atlantic Climate in the ECMWF System II Forecasting System
COAPEC Conference, 2004 (slides) (PDF)
Title: Mechanisms for Multi-Season Memory in the Atlantic Ocean, and related Climate Impacts


Tropical Atlantic SST Index
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Thu Feb 11 13:34:41 GMT 2016