HC/\~/999 - No Forcing t/\~/120 K/\~/10 (d/\~/301m) Ocean cools at all depths Anomalous Surface Heat flux from Haney Routine for HC/\~/999 and HC/\~/8000. Heat continually extracted - greated extraction in HC/\~/8000 NA SST average of Unforced Run - SST Climatology with limits (stddev) of OBS SST Difference between Obs SST Clim (qrclim) and My SST Clim from 500yr run Averaged over the Atlantic - NB - my clim is cooler! Difference between My SST Clim and Obs SST Clim (qrclim) for 6 months over the Atlantic - <-4K contoured -> clear cold patch in path of Gulf stream ...
Difference between My SST Clim and Buwen's SST Clim for 6 months over the Atlantic - Much more similar, but mine is WARMER in GS region! (Dec Climatology-Dec Ocean Temp)-AnomFlux/8000.0 : HC8000 - Applied Anom flux fits with calculation (to within <0.1K) - Flux Correction is calculated correctly Average Anomalous flux applied over the NA during HC8000 run - note large values near Lab Sea Outlet.. SST averaged over x/\~/318E:322E@ave,y/\~/42:55@ave with Anom Flux over same area above - this is the region with large values in above Anom cooling over x/\~/318E:322E@ave,y/\~/42:55@ave compared with Salinity and T
Standard Dev of Anom Flux for HC8000 - max variance in Lab Sea extension.. Standard Dev of Pot Temp @ Depths over layed Mean Flow pattern [Better Scale] Average Anomalous flux applied over the NA during HC8000 run - note large values near Lab Sea Outlet.. Mean magnitude of Flow in GS region: x/\~/290:310@ave,y/\~/30:45@ave - Note trend! Meridional and Zonal Fluxes across Gulfstrems in HC8000 - Note trends!
Meridional and Zonal Fluxes across Gulfstrems in Unforced Run - No GS spinup! Initial Difference between Interpolated Climatology. Note and Start Dump SST Salinity Standard Deviation in HC8000 Salinity Trends in Labrador Sea HC8000 potential Density profile in Labrador Sea in Dec
Difference between ocean currents averaged over last and first 2 years of run Difference between ocean currents averaged over last and first 2 years of run [Zoom] Annual Mean trends in Ocean Pot Temp for HC8000 (xbkae) [5,-]m Annual Mean trends in Ocean Pot Temp for HC8000 (xbkae)

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