AMO vs Global mean SST (excluding AMO region) and SST 1965:1975-1951:1961 CMIP5 Forcings OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means JAS OBS SST indices SPG T_ATL E_PAC and GS HadISST - ONDJFMAMJ
1940-2000 OBS MSLP indiced ONDJFMAMJ OBS PPT Central Africa ONDJFMAMJ GSA (T and S) rom EN3 - SPG region 55W:25W 50:60N and Jon's Density plots Sub Polar Gyre SST leads Tropical Atlantic SST by 2 years in Obs Time of Maximum Lags Red: 22:26 months, Red 70:110 months, below SPG vs NTATL and STATL
Comparison of SST and MSLP composites 1905:1915-1880:1900 1961:1970-1941:1960 NAO Hurrel and from HadSLP2 SST lagging SPG index by 2 years US and EU Temperatures and SO2 Emission [reduced Boxes] US and EU Temperatures and SO2 Emission
US and EU temp diff: 1968:72 - 1956:60 US and EU temp diff: 1968:72 - 1956:60 CMIP5 Forcings NAO and OBS SST indices SPG T_ATL E_PAC and GS HadISST - ONDJFMAMJ NAO and 1940-2000 OBS MSLP indiced ONDJFMAMJ
NAO DJFM and ONDJFMAMJ CRU GSA (T and S) rom EN3 - SPG region 55W:25W 50:60N and Jon's Density plots CMIP5 Forcings -1*Cloud Fraction and SW DOWN in TR NAT SW TR NAT DOWN and mean SW Down modulated by cloud fraction over TR
SW TR - Cf Clear Sky, clouds, TOA SW and Volcanic Forcings HadSLP Trends 1951:1966 and 1966:1975 All months and ONDJFMAMJ INCL HADISST2 : AMO vs Global mean SST (excluding AMO region) and SST 1965:1975-1951:1961 HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means JAS
HADISST2: NAO and OBS SST indices SPG T_ATL E_PAC and GS HadISST - ONDJFMAMJ Eds 3 members of HADISST2 : AMO vs Global mean SST (excluding AMO region) and SST 1964:1980-1941/31:1962 Eds 3 members of HADISST2 : AMO vs Global mean SST (excluding AMO region) and SST 1964:1980-1941/31:1962 Vikkis 9 members of HADISST2 from ERA_CM: AMO vs Global mean SST (excluding AMO region) and SST 1964:1980-1941/31:1962 HadISST OBS SST and SLP Composites (41-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ
HadISST OBS SST and SLP Composites (41-62) for 5 year means JAS HadISST OBS SST and SLP Composites (31-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ HadISST OBS SST and SLP Composites (31-62) for 5 year means JAS HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means JAS
HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (31-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (31-62) for 5 year means JAS HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (41-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ HADISST2: OBS SST and SLP Composites (41-62) for 5 year means JAS With UNCERTAINTY: GSA (T and S) rom EN3 - SPG region 55W:25W 50:60N and Jon's Density plots
SMOOTHED With UNCERTAINTY: GSA (T and S) rom EN3 - SPG region 55W:25W 50:60N and Jon's Density plots HADISST2: NAO and OBS SST indices SPG T_ATL and GS HadISST - ONDJFMAMJ GSA components - do they sum? MSLP Composite diff following AGUNG single ONDJFMAMJ winters fixed 4 D.O.F in t tests OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ
fixed 4 D.O.F in t tests OBS SST and SLP Composites (51-62) for 5 year means JAS GSA - cf SPG and Lab sea 700:1500 GSA - cf SPG and Lab sea OBS SST and SIC Composites (51-62) for 5 year means ONDJFMAMJ OBS SST and SIC Composites (51-62) for 5 year means JAS

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