61:90 Ice climatology minus A+ ice. (61:90 with 51:60 ice in the Atlantic) (jan-jun) 61:90 Ice climatology minus A+ ice. (61:90 with 51:60 ice in the Atlantic) (jul-dec) Locations of missing values in SST (green) not under Ice sheet (red) Jan-Jun (1961:1990 clim)  (ice cutoff, a/\~/0.5) Locations of missing values in SST (green) not under Ice sheet (red) Jul-Dec (1961:1990 clim) (ice cutoff, a/\~/0.5) 61:90 Ice climatology minus A+ ice. (61:90 with 51:60 ice in the Atlantic) (jan-jun) (a/\~/0.5)
61:90 Ice climatology minus A+ ice. (61:90 with 51:60 ice in the Atlantic) (jul-dec) (a/\~/0.5) 51:60 - 61:90 raw ice differences from HadISST

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