Trends in SST 1965:1994 from HadISST [POLAR] Trends in SST 1965:1994 from HadISST Trends in SST 1950:1975 from HadISST (Cont/\~/0.02K/Year) Trends in SST 1979:2002 from HadISST (Cont/\~/0.02K/Year) Comparison of Ocean SST trends N.Atl, S. Atl and IO
Trends in Annual Mean SST 1950:2002 from HadISST Period Means and Comparison of Ocean SST trends N.Atl, S. Atl and IO Atlantic SST trend 50-75 Atlantic SST differnence 1961:1990-1951:1960 [CONTOURS] Atlantic SST differnence 1961:1990-1951:1960
SST differences 1931:1960 - 1961:1990 SST differences 1951:1960 - 1961:1990

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