HiGEM SPG density Full and Ferret Rho_un HiGEM SPG density Full and Ferret Rho_un Detrended 31:100 HiGEM SPG density Full and Ferret Rho_un HiGEM Density 1500:3000m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag HadGEM Density 1500:3000m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag
HiGEM Density 600:2500m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag HiGEM Density 600:2500m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag HiGEM Density 600:2500m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag HadGEM Density 600:2500m regressed on DT Jon's SPG index, index leads for +ve lag Lag Correlations of SPG SST and OHC and MOC
Lag Correlations of SPG SST and OHC and MOC Lag Correlations of SPG SST and OHC and MOC Extended MOC XBLYR XFRMN Lagged correlated Integrated Pot Density Sigma 2 1000:2500 on SPG index MOC 40/26.7N lag correlated with SPG pot density sigma 2 index
Pot density 1000:2500 regressed onto MOC 40N. Pot density leads for -ve lags DWBC at 53N and regression on Pot Density DWBC at 53N Correlated with MOC DWBC at 53N and regression on Pot Density DWBC at 53N Correlated with MOC
MOC lag correlated with DT DWBC at 53N DWBC at 53N and regression on Pot Density MOC 40/26.7N lag correlated with 65W:35W 50:65N 1000:2500m SPG pot density sigma 2 index

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