Department of Meteorology, University of Reading


  1. M. R. Muetzelfeldt, R. S. Plant, H. M. Christensen, Z. Zhang, T. Woollings, Z. Feng, and P. Li. Environmental Conditions Affecting Global Mesoscale Convective System Occurrence. Submitted to: J. Atmos. Sci., 2024.
  2. Z. Zhang, H. M. Christensen, Z. Zhang, M. R. Muetzelfeldt, T. Woollings, R. S. Plant, A. J. Stirling, M. A. Whitall, M. W. Moncrieff, C.-C. Chen, and Z. Feng. Advancing Organized Convection Representation in the Unified Model: Implementing and Enhancing Multiscale Coherent Structure Parameterization. Submitted to: J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 2024.
  3. G. A. Efstathiou, R. S. Plant, and F. K. Chow. Grey-zone simulations of shallow-to-deep convection transition using dynamic subgrid-scale turbulence models. Submitted to: Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 2023.
  4. J.-F. Gu, R. S. Plant, and C. E. Holloway. Connections between Sub-cloud Coherent Structures and the Life Cycle of Shallow Cumulus Clouds: Evidence from Large Eddy Simulation. Submitted to: J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 2023.