Regionally coupled

Unified Model

Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling

The University of Reading

define the region

relaxing the SSTs

set up the UM experiment

Setting up SST relaxation coefficients for the regionally coupled UM

    Having made your region text file (call it region.txt), you need to run a little Fortran program to convert it into another text file which the UM will actually read. This file will contain coefficients for the Haney forcing of the ocean model, which effectively tell the model to relax the SST towards the prescribed value instantaneously in the centre of the region and progressively more slowly through the taper zone until, in the fully coupled areas, there is no relaxation at all. The script is called make_haney_coeffs.f. This Fortran script takes as input your region.txt file and a netcdf version of the ocean model land-sea mask, called If you want to call your region.txt file something different you will need to hand-edit the script with the new name. Compile the script with the netcdf library. When you run the executable, the program will prompt you for a filename for the output text file. This file will be created in the directory you ran the script in.

    Click the set up job button on the left hand side for details of the final steps of setting up a regionally coupled version of the UM.

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    Information on the regionally coupled version of the Unified Model is maintained by Pete Inness.

    email: phone: 0118 3785583