Miguel Teixeira's homepage : Current Research : UoR, Dept Of Meteorology

Current Research


Recently, I have been working primarily on orographic gravity waves in the atmosphere, and their implications for drag parametrization.

Another research interest is oceanic turbulence, with a specific focus on understanding Langmuir circulations and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy in the oceanic surface layer.

I am also interested in the dynamics of interfaces separating turbulent from non-turbulent fluid, and its implications for the entrainment process.

A research interest marginal to the geosciences is thin-film interfaces.


Research projects I am or was involved in until recently include:

  • Towards a reformulation of surface layer theory for boundary layers over mountainous terrain (Royal Society) (as PI).
  • Global to Local IMpacts of FLow over Orography (GLIMFLO) (EU) (as PI) (EU web page).